Solo morning stroll to PandavKada Falls

I left alone for a morning walk, on the self-extended weekend,

Came back with beautiful captures, adventure of a lifetime and a new friend.

It was a Monday morning, a rainy Monday morning. It was raining continuously for the last two days. I decided not to go to office, I was anyway a resigned employee with 5 days of service left and . Had two ways to enjoy Monday off- to sleep again for few more hours, or go hill side and enjoy. I chose the second option, I was in mood to capture the green hills too.

I started my walk, it wasn’t even a walk. I was strolling. So much peace , that too on a Monday. People were rushing to work, while I was walking in the opposite direction. The footpaths were slippery, had to be careful.

I was trying to absorb as much as possible – the fresh air, the green trees and the green hills.  There was a unique sense of freedom within me. Slowly I reached the first hill range, the driving range. But I saw people there, and decided not to go there. I have realised I enjoy my own company with nature. My solo trip was one major milestone in this realization. So I continued straight towards the golf course area.


Took my first halt there, just for the view- grass, woods and waterfall. It just left me mesmerized. The Pandavakada falls looked so beautiful and full of glory. I felt attracted , I felt spell bound. I decided that I will reach as close as possible to witness Pandavkada falls’ beauty at peak.



While I was lost in thoughts and excitement, I saw there was one more guy walking ahead. But he was comparatively walking fast. I was wondering who else took out time for a morning stroll. I gathered senses and then resumed my stroll. As I was crossing the golf course area, I could see myself getting close to the falls.


All the time I was hoping that the entry point for the falls should be open. Many times the police and Kharghar Forest Department officials block the way due to the unwanted accidents that have taken place. Finally I reached Kharghar Gurudwara, from where there’s the  way to Pandavkada falls.


I stood there for a minute, admiring the beauty and feeling the silence of nature. I was glad that there were no Forest department officials, and considered it as completion of first milestone in reaching the falls. While I was just about to start my journey towards the falls, I heard a voice from behind. It was the same guy I saw near the golf course, he wanted to know whether there is a way ahead and is it safe. I was initially reluctant to entertain anyone, but then I had already made my mind so I thought I should continue and asked him to join me. We started walking towards the falls. The route has undergone many changes with time. I was recollecting, the time when there was literally no way and we had to actually find one through the rocks and hills. Had even documented that in one of my earlier posts: A Letter from Mother Nature.


The way seemed very easy but they say never judge a book by it’s cover. After just few steps we saw a stream, with a very heavy current; obviously due to heavy rains. We thought it would be difficult to cross it, but then we saw an uncle crossing it, he seemed so refreshed and happy. A villager was helping him cross. That gave us motivation to go on, and moreover, the smile on his face revealed it’s worth going ahead. Slowly, we crossed the stream and continued towards the falls. Pandavkada looked beautiful, in its full glory, surrounded by lush greenery.


In spite of the commercialization, the place can never lose it’s beauty. Also, there were hardly any one enroute falls, as it was a Monday morning. Only few school and college students who bunked to enjoy nature’s beauty on a windy day. I realized that I was walking  and exchanging thoughts with this guy for quite sometime, but din’t even know his name. Finally we introduced ourselves to each other. Shanker, seemed a nature lover and an avid traveler too. He had taken work from home that day. But couldn’t stay at home. Read somewhere – If you don’t find company to go somewhere, go alone and you will find people like you in the journey. I could actually relate to it at the time.



We finally reached near the halls. We could see the front view of the waterfalls. Stood there quietly absorbing as much as I could. Tried to capture it perfectly too. But some beauties are difficult to capture. You have to be there, experience it, to actually capture it.


After few moments of being lost in nature, we finally spoke. Shanker asked whether I wanted to go further, as the way was hilly and tricky ahead. I instantly said yes, as is my nature to take challenges, and go as far as I can. But he warned and reminded me of the stream. It was about to rain, and that if it starts raining heavily like it was it would be very difficult to cross it. He had a valid point. It would have been different if we were in a group; and I feel grateful he advised me. So we decided to return.

Soaking all energy from the green hills and the vibrant waterfall, I turned my back to head home. After few minutes, it started raining. I told myself Thank God I accepted Shanker’s advice. Also had told mom I would be back in half an hour, couldn’t afford getting stuck. 🙂


By this time, Shanker and I became good friends. Both of us are very talkative and candid in nature. We reached the stream, the current was indeed heavy. We took a long and thick stick, and used it to cross. We held the opposite ends of it, it just made it easier. And after few more steps, back to city.


That’s the beauty of Kharghar, we can visit the hills too, and in some time back to the roads. Feeling rejuvenated, we walked towards home. I realized that Shanker’s  stays very close to my place. So we accompanied each other on our way back too.

I felt great that I decided to step out, and not sleep. The most spontaneous plans and decisions in life are the best. I felt peace that day, and captured some beautiful images and videos, and made a new friend.

Straight From My Heart,


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Kharghar Hills- The Unplanned Nature Trail

Kharghar hills signify the start of Kharghar, welcoming everyone who enters the node; with beauty at its peak during monsoon. I see them everyday, every time my train reaches Kharghar,every time when I take a train from Kharghar. But seldom do I go walking there, maybe because I am busy exploring the interiors and because of other commitments. I went there in December, but not during or just after the rainy season. Finally got a chance to visit, thanks to long weekends.:)
My friend Sneha and I had planned for an early morning walk, which ultimately became a nature trail. It is open only from 6 am – 9 am in the morning. But we started only late, 7 50 we were at the gate. People were coming down, while we were just about to start. The guard even warned us to be back on time, maybe because he saw Sneha’s camera or assumed we are lazy to come so late 😉

We started walking, initially at a good pace. Everyone there seemed so energetic and fresh, wishing each other good morning. The path was surrounded by green trees on both side. Our pace started reducing gradually, and then there was a time, when there were just two of us on the path !! We started capturing the beauty around us.While Sneha was capturing everything on her camera, I was just living the moment, and capturing everything in my heart. Due to monsoon, and even post monsoon showers, the flora and fauna were richest. There were  waterfalls also, some almost dried, and some small ones. Banana trees, Gulmohar trees and many wild plants accompanied us in our leisure walk. Crabs are very common, and keep running and side-walking throughout. Even butterflies, we saw so many of them !



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We were meeting after a long time, and there was lots to talk about. And the serenity of nature, gave the perfect moment for heart-to-heart talking session. We shared and discussed each other’s problems, and then ultimately left on a note that if something is meant to be,it will happen; We can only give our best and believe in positivity.



The path seemed so very photogenic that we paused so many times for that perfect shot. The song “Tanha Dil” by Shaan came to my mind. I even shared this with Sneha, and then we both started singing the song. Then we realized that it was already 8:16 and we were not even half-way !! I told her to rush, but a photographer can’t miss to capture a place in its entirety. We saw a chameleon and she tried to capture it, but could not. We find them very fascinating, we discussed how it camouflages. In my mind, related it to life, how one should adapt to a situation, however it is.

Speeding up, I reached a little ahead of Sneha. There was a beautiful silence all around, and also the sounds of nature. The chirping sound of birds, the flow of wind, the humming noise of the insects and birds. It was so soothing. With the crowd of the city, and noisy horns we fail to listen the beautiful and diverse sounds of nature. I was lost for a moment, in the silence, in the beauty, or in my thoughts !! And then suddenly Sneha shouted, “Hey I got it”. She managed to capture a chameleon(not sure a garden lizard or a chameleon). Again, we restated, the power of positivity, hope and “if its meant to happen, it will”


We reached the first view point, that time we realized that we have covered some distance and height. We saw some people there, resting after their walk/jog. It was a little foggy morning.



Sneha wondered if there is more to see, and if we should go back. I told her to keep going, and it is worth it. By this time, all sweaty and drained because of humidity, still kept walking. We anyway had crossed the allowed timings, why not experience fully 😉

We met few villagers on the way. They seemed happy and content. I was wondering that they must be so used to climbing up and down the hill for basic necessities. I smiled and waved at them, they smiled back too 🙂


Paced up and finally reached the end point. The point where it diverts into the village, and the view point. The Kharghar hill plateau was seen from there, full green and live. A better view of Kharghar, the entire node, the well planned one.



Hence we considered our journey as successful, reaching till the top of hill. Learning so many things, getting so close with nature, spending quality time and clicking so many wonderful pictures. We asked for a lift while coming down, the driver had permissions to take the villagers, hence we were not asked any questions..

Let the journey never end…Keep moving


Photo credits:  Sneha Panchal

Special thanks to her, contact her for photography assignments Contact Sneha Panchal

Contact me for exploring Navi Mumbai 🙂

Straight from My Heart,

Prakriti Singh


Owe Dam, Kharghar: The Beauty and the Beasts

The more I spend time with nature, the more I find myself, the more I realize that happiness lies within, yet we search it in others.

Owe dam, Kharghar is such a place, to find oneself , to get lost in nature, to experience peace ! The moment I reached, I was mesmerized by the beauty, green hills all around; the calm and quiet water in centre.


The journey is more amazing, starts with wide clean roads and ends with off roading on muddy ground; starts with city and ends falling in love with a village, Owe camp.

I have been there many times, and every time I go there, I find and learn something new. The first time I went there, I was speechless. The nature lover within me wanted to stay there forever, and experience nature in its true form. Only a few minutes there can make someone feel so relaxed and peaceful from within.Every time I promise myself to be there back again. My friend took me there for the first time, it was an unplanned visit. We were four of us in car. The way is through Owe camp, and includes off-roading.Muddy roads surrounded by rice fields accompany us till the destination. We felt like dancing in joy, the colour green has some energy attached to it; it denotes freedom, freedom to grow. The green grass all around made us feel free, free from pollution, free from the crowd, and free from the hustle and bustle of the city. There were few villagers who were swimming in the dam water. We crossed the hill and sat peacefully on the other side. The place seemed untouched by humans, and that fascinated us more.


The second time, we were three girls on a two wheeler. More fun to drive on the muddy roads 😉 Actually no, I was at the last and had to get down every time it got stuck. Unaware of the destination, they kept doubting me and my decision to come there, somehow I convinced them to keep going. This time we had to park our vehicle, a little far from the destination.


On the way we met a villager, she owned the rice fields there. We confirmed our way to the dam, and kept going. The feeling and sight on reaching was just the same, but there was something which was changed. The beauty of nature, which I described as untouched by humans, seemed disturbed. The place which was earlier just green had plastics and wrappers for biscuits and snacks. There were bottles at some places, bottles of alcohol. I don’t understand why people destroy nature to consume alcohol. There are places meant for that. We just sat for sometime, discussed few life-goals and left. On our way back, we met the same female, she was so excited to show the fields, so we had a look. She even posed for us. She explained a little about her life, and views on how “city people” act smart and destroy the beauty of the place. It was nice interacting with her, we learned that few boys got drowned while swimming in the dam. She then continued her work, and we continued to the “city”.

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The next time, I went there in the morning. My office friend wanted to see the place. It rained a lot the night before, hence the drive was difficult this time too. We had to park a few metres ahead of the destination, because of the fresh wet mud and puddles. Everything seemed more beautiful in the morning, the fresh green grass, the fields, the hills and the water ! We tried to capture the serenity of nature, which slowly got transferred within.  It is difficult to describe the feeling, because some things can only be experienced.


On our way back, I was disappointed to see that the stone quarrying activities near it, have increased to a significant level. In the middle of such beauty, it was a disturbing sight !!


I wonder why do we humans keep disturbing nature ? Why do we disturb the balance, why do we destroy beauty, litter, pollute and spoil everything ! Are we humans , or beasts ? Can’t we keep some things as it is ? Can’t we live in harmony !

Hoping the next time I go there I don’t find some new beastly activity of humans. Till then, have a feel of the journey…

Humble request – If you plan to go there, please do not litter and be a human, not a beast 🙂


Straight from my heart,


Video credits: Matthew Varkey

Song suggestion for video: Sindhya B.

Contact me for exploring Navi Mumbai 🙂

A Letter From Mother Nature

Dear Humans,

Day by day, your interference in my life is making me suffer a lot. Most of my charm is degrading now. Forests are being converted into concrete jungles, all the water bodies are getting polluted, many species are getting endangered, the reason being your activities, greed and misbehaviour with me.

Why don’t you understand, my beauty is at its peak when untouched by humans. Some of you love me, care for me and want to preserve every part of me, whereas there are many of you who don’t care about me. Even though I am hurt, and dishearten I still and will always shower gifts on you. I will leave you captivated with my scenic beauty, and I can give you vivid memories to cherish. You may find me fascinating with so many different forms and with my diverse children. I do not show you timely my anger, disappointment and sadness.  But deep inside, I am crying.

If I keep on complaining about your misbehaviour, I will be exhausted. Hence I would take a simple example and make you understand my emotions. The Kharghar waterfalls, or what is called as PandavKada, in Navi Mumbai, a few weeks ago was a place for nature lovers and a few monsoon revellers. As soon as people would start the journey towards the falls, they became mesmerized. You people realized the need for peace, greenery, beauty, and freedom. I can bet that my admirable views made you forget all your sorrows, and brought out the child within you, filled with joy, adventure and fun.


But now, the forest department and a few other associations came together and started exploiting me. They have blocked my natural flow using rocks and started tickets for entry on the name of security. It’s great they are successful too in their motive, attracting vendors and stalls. Very soon I will become dirty and all you would see is plastics and other garbage. Within a week they collected Rs 1.5 lakhs. Those people made a business out of me, and I am pretty sure that money will not be used for my benefits, or for enhancing me. I am what I am you people cannot change me, only destroy my innocence gradually.

Many of you understand and sympathize with me. Some are fighting for me too. I am glad for it. Whatever it is I am still beautiful, I am not afraid of humans, just angry and sad, hoping not to get deprived of my natural charm.

– Mother Nature.

The Joy of Giving… My NGO experience


Before I could realize,  I was done with my first year at college. It seemed the year went very fast,one trimester got over and then the second and third!!  Travelling,  studying, socializing, thats all I did. Hardly, I must have done something for myself, except for dance classes.
I got a nice three month break after my first year. Many of my friends were making plans, some planning to intern ( I found the idea meaningless, as just after completion of first year,  there is hardly anything learned to apply!) Well,  I was just excited, my sister had come, and these are the same holidays during which I turned into a maasi. So,  I spent the first two months in excitement only,  giving time to my sister and tried stuff like t-shirt painting.

I wanted to do something good before the start of my second year.  Something which will make me satisfied; I din’t wanted my summer break to go waste.

I decided to volunteer for an NGO. As I had recently shifted to Navi Mumbai, I had no ideas of nearby Ngos. Justdial came to rescue.Enthusiastically,  I started visiting all NGOs from the list. But all it gave me was disappointment. Most of the buildings were just named as some NGO or foundation , or trust/aashram with no activity going on. Those were set up just for the benefit of tax relaxation.

Then I contacted YUVA,  Youth for Unity and Voluntary Action,with some hope. I called them initially to know whether they were looking for volunteers or interns. Surprisingly,  I got positive response and was called for a meeting with Mr Anil Igle, the media coordinator. I was very excited and eager to start working.  They asked me few questions, my interests,and why I was interested to work with them; so that a convenient project can be assigned.

I was a part of project called CLC ( Community Learning Centre) . As a part of it I was supposed to teach children of construction site workers. My first day went good, I introduced myself, took their introductions and played few games with them.

It was difficult for me initially,as the children were of different age groups. I decided to divide them in groups according to their age and teach them separately.

The children came from a background,  where there was no atmosphere of education. Their parents keep migrating,hence even if they learn something,they tend to forget. Lack of interest and support hinder their educational growth.

The need and importance of education was a topic unaware, and strange to them. My first objective was to make them realize why they need to be literate. I gave the first 2 3 days for this. Some found my thoughts agreeable,  while some were very stubborn and considered me mad!!

Gradually, I started teaching them things according to groups. I laid stress on language and maths,  as these are the things they need to apply in real life. I gave them little work for home also. It gave me immense satisfaction and inner peace when they showed interests. I gave them sufficient breaks between studies,  and played educational games,  told them moral stories too.
Creative things like drawing, painting, were also included in my daily targets.


Members and employees of the NGO supported me a lot, and gave me ideas also. Atmosphere there was awesome, close to nature,  peaceful,  with very good hearted and thoughtful people around. I got acquainted with people who have devoted their whole lives for the betterment of society; with no self -gain or greedy motive behind it. They chose social work as their profession; because they wanted to do it, not for gaining publicity or making money; but for the satisfaction of joy of giving. Respect for them truly.

All these factors made me love the place. The class timings for children were 11 to 3 pm,  but I stayed there till 5. 30 or 6 pm.  During the after hours,  I helped the members of CLC project.  I made few flash cards for the children to teach them about different animals and birds.


I spent a lot of time in library,reading books. I helped the library incharge Mrs Charushila in sorting of books according to age groups. I assisted Charu in ‘ Read to Grow ‘program where the concept was to promote reading in municipal and Zila Parishad schools so that children don’t quit school. Most of the students left school,as they din’t wanted to study, or for a stupid reason, boredom. So, we took reading cards with colourful picture stories. We also made them play games and organized puppet shows.

Then Mr Vinod,another NGO employee, and member of CLC project, mentioned about Inspire Awards. It aimed to make students of Zila Parishad school aware of science and technology and inspire them with new ideas. When he came to know I am an engineering student and from science background, he included me too.

Only four days we had for the main event, time was less but something had to be done. Meeting was called with school principal, my idea got approved and we started working.

There is a settlement amidst the Kharghar hills, OA camp. I went there with Vinod sir. The settlement was beautiful, and the way there also ; partly because of the weather. I liked going there also, even though I got the opportunity for a few days. Vinod sir and I represented YUVA ( OA Camp) and it made me feel proud. The principal, gram panchayat all liked the project, considering the time constraints.


It was for one and a half month I went there daily ,I followed up whenever I had time. My volunteering at YUVA taught me many things like

– Teaching is not an easy job, you need lots of patience for it.

– To see a person smile, and to know you contribute something for that smile, gives ultimate joy and internal satisfaction.

– Not everything is done to get returns ; social work and charity has a value.
And many other things..

I remember each and every moment spent with the kids, and at the NGO, also with the people there. Each day was a new day, with new targets, new tasks and different challenges.
My personal advice to each and every friend of mine to experience the joy of giving…

Straight from my heart,

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